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Car Accidents Attorney

Almost every person will be involved in a car accident at least once during their lives. Many of these wrecks involve personal injuries and even fatalities.  The causes can be drunk drivers , negligent drivers talking on a cell phone, speeding, changing lanes, or driving recklessly.

Individuals involved in a collision may suffer broken bones, soft tissue injury such as back pain and neck pain, closed-head traumatic brain injury, cuts, and bruises. Often, people miss time from work to go to numerous doctor appointments in order to recover from the accident. 

When a person is killed as a result of the negligence of another driver, loved ones are left behind without a spouse, parent, child or other relative.

The attorneys at The Zydron Law Firm, P.L.L.C. have years of experience representing car accident victims throughout Virginia and North Carolina. Our aim is to make negligent drivers pay for injuries or wrongful death including medical bills, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, permanent injury, and/or loss of your loved one. 

Our attorneys handle all of the legal issues and investigation associated with your car accident claim while you concentrate on  recovering from your injuries and returning to your daily life.

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